Monday, June 22, 2009

Fast Food

Another problem with the way America eats is fast food. Every where you look you see a fast food restaurant of some sort. Americans are busy and don't have time to sit down and eat a well balanced meal. Fast food restaurants also advertise to make it look like what they are serving isn't bad for you at all. They try and trick you... Instead of advertising a two hundred pound man eating a greasy hamburger they show a young, beautiful, skinny woman eating what looks like a delicious burger. I think most people know that fast food is bad for you, but don't realize how bad it is. With fast food, you are eating a days worth of calories in one meal! I think it is time for America to become more aware of the things they are eating and start living healthier lives.

1 comment:

  1. In moderation, any foods can be harmless. We cannot blame the fast food chains for not advertising the effects of overeating. Most products that we ingest have some negative side effects. These corporations are not going to advertise the negative effects. It is the consumer's responsibility to moderate the portions and the occurence of the eating of these foods. We are all obviously very aware of the effects of eating fast food excessively, and yet we do it anyway. The obesity crisis in America lies not within the fast food organizations, but in the American public.
