Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Monday, June 22, 2009

Fast Food

Another problem with the way America eats is fast food. Every where you look you see a fast food restaurant of some sort. Americans are busy and don't have time to sit down and eat a well balanced meal. Fast food restaurants also advertise to make it look like what they are serving isn't bad for you at all. They try and trick you... Instead of advertising a two hundred pound man eating a greasy hamburger they show a young, beautiful, skinny woman eating what looks like a delicious burger. I think most people know that fast food is bad for you, but don't realize how bad it is. With fast food, you are eating a days worth of calories in one meal! I think it is time for America to become more aware of the things they are eating and start living healthier lives.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The American Diet

The "American Diet" is not a diet at all. It describes the unhealthy eating habits of our country. America is considered to be the most obese country in the world. Fast food, large portion sizes, lack of exercise and unhealthy eating habits are much to blame for this reputation.
The problem with eating unhealthy foods is it makes you crave even more junk food. Once you break the cycle of unhealthy eating, its easier to maintain good eating habits. Being obese increases your risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, arthritis and some cancers. Losing weight can delay or prevent some of these diseases. The way we eat is a problem that is hard to deny. We need to work to develop better eating habits. But that's the problem... It requires work and most Americans are too lazy or busy to maintain a diet and exercise. It seems like we could come up with a thousand excuses of why we can't go for a short jog or hit the gym a couple times a week. We also can't make the fast food restaurants or junk food just disappear. It takes self control and hard work. America needs to break the cycle and work to become healthier.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Many people have different views on abortion. I personally think that it is morally wrong. This video asks those who are against abortion to raise their hand. One of the hands raised is one of an aborted child. This video makes the audience feel a sense of sadness or sympathy for the child. The child never gets a chance to raise their own hand against abortion. The Bible forbids killing innocent persons. Well isn't an unborn child innocent? This video targets everyone that is against abortion and tells them that it is wrong.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Is it the woman's right?

According to the Roe decision, most laws against abortion in the United States violated a constitutional right to privacy under the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. There are a lot of people out there who think that if abortion were illegal it would be violating women's rights. But is it a woman's right to end a life? Yes, it is her right to decide what can be done to her own body but is the life inside of her considered to be HER body? I don't think that women should have the right to terminate their pregnancy. Twenty one days after conception the fetus has a heartbeat. So in my opinion it would be wrong to allow a mother to stop the beating heart of her own child.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Exceptions for Abortion

I do not believe that there should be any exceptions to abortion unless there is a possibility of causing serious harm to the mother. Women who are seeking an abortion for insignificant reasons should be turned away and should not have the right to an abortion. Some people believe that abortions should be limited to just the first trimester but in order to eliminate abortion all together, we should not make these exceptions. If someone is fully aware of the consequences of their actions then an abortion would only be an irresponsible act of selfishness. I sometimes start to think that abortions due to rape could be an exception but I also believe that the guy who raped the victim should be the one being punished, not the innocent child. Allowing only those who were raped to receive abortions would also cause women to lie about being raped just so that they could have a legal reason for an abortion. So as far as medical reasons go, should mothers at risk of a health condtion be allowed an abortion? Because no matter the circumstances an abortion is still taking the life of an unborn child.